The Water Walker is a celebration of a determined Ojibwe grandmother Nokomis Josephine and her love for water nibi. Nokomis walks to raise awareness of our need to protect Nibi for future generations, and for all life on the planet. She, along with other women, men, and youth, have walked around all the Great Lakes from the four salt waters, or oceans, to Lake Superior. The walks are full of challenges, and by her example Josephine challenges us all to take up our responsibility to protect our water, the giver of life, and to protect our planet for all generations. Ojibwe author and illustrator Joanne Robertson is a member of Atikameksheng Anishnawbek. She continues to help water walkers through live GPS spotting to make sure the water is safe on their journeys. Joanne lives near Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. This important book presents a much-needed resource about a current First Nation woman who took it upon herself to raise awareness about the importance of water for our life on eart