Cyberbullying: Deal with It and Ctrl Alt Delete It is one of the titles in the Deal With It Series created to assist adolescents with everyday conflicts in their lives and promotes peaceful resolution. This title examines the growing phenomenon known as cyberbullying and how to identify and effectively deal with the tactics of a cyberbully. The book describes scenarios of cyberbullying and how students can identify the actions of others online. The book covers how to take action against cyberbullying behaviours whether the student is the cyberbully, the target, or the witness. The various forms of cyberbullying are defined with easy to understand examples presented in comic format, a quiz, letters to a Conflict Counsellor, do's and don'ts, and tips on how to deal with these issues. Suggested activities that demonstrate how to cope with cyberbullying behaviours are provided as well as a resource guide for follow-up activities. This is a valuable student resource for dealing with cyberbu