CONTENTS: 1. Ontario Fish and Wildlife Review: Volume 3, No. 2. The Hunting and Utilization of Wild Geese by the Indians of Hudson Bay Lowlands of Northern Ontario -- 2. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation: Indian Magazine -- 3. Cheechoo, A.: "The Hunting and Fishing Issue", Submission to the Treaty #Nine Chiefs at the All Ontario Chiefs Meeting -- 4. Fur Council of Canada: Furs -- 5. Nothing, Bill: Notes For Presentation to Nishnawbe-Aski Assembly -- 6. N/A: Agreement Between Government of Canada, Ontario, Anishnabek, Nishnawbe-Aski, Grand Council Treaty #Three, Grand Council Treaty #Nine, The Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians and The Six Nations of the Grand River Band -- 7. Indian-Eskimo Association of Canada: Indian Hunting Rights and the Migratory Birds Convention Act -- 8. House of Commons, Canada: Bill C-162 -- 9. N/A: A Summary on the Tripartite Mechanism -- 10. Indian-Eskimo Association of Canada: A Brief to the Government of Canada on Indian Hunting Rights and the Migr